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ANC Leads in 2024 National and Provincial Elections Results



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The Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has reported capturing approximately 55% of the ballots as of 9am on Friday, in the ongoing 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

As per the IEC results dashboard, the African National Congress (ANC) is currently in the lead nationally, securing 3,236,550 votes representing 42.07% of the count.

Following the ANC is the Democratic Alliance (DA) with 1,821,912 votes at 23.68%, while the recently established uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party has garnered 832,178 votes, holding 10.82% of the total.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), the third largest party in Parliament, currently holds 737,238 votes, amounting to 9.58% of the votes.

Another newcomer, the Patriotic Alliance (PA), is also making significant progress, securing 211,738 votes, placing them at 2.75% in the results.

These five parties are currently leading the tally by voting station, as the IEC officials continue to compile and capture the results of the ongoing elections at the Results Operations Centre in Midrand.

With counting procedures already concluded at most voting stations, only a few stations are still finalizing their tallies as of Thursday, 3pm.

The comprehensive results compilation process involves ensuring accuracy and validation of the results. This process includes scanning each result slip, double-blind capture, auditing by independent auditors, external system audits, and verification by participating political parties.

Throughout the night, the results have been steadily coming in as the capturing and compilation efforts continue.

The IEC reported a voter turnout of 58.69%, with close to 60% of registered voters participating, and larger voting station results still pending.

Out of the 27,782,777 registered voters, a total of 7,943,840 votes were cast, with 7,840,658 deemed valid, and 103,182 rendered as spoilt votes.

The ongoing results capturing and display process is ongoing at the Results Operations Centre in Midrand, with the final tally expected to provide a clearer picture of the outcome of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

Rachel Adams

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