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Arshad Nadeem Shatters Olympic Javelin Record



Arshad Nadeem Shatters Olympic Javelin Record

Pakistani javelin thrower Arshad Nadeem has made headlines by breaking the Olympic record at the Paris 2024 Olympics. He achieved an incredible throw of 92.97 metres during the final event held at the Stade de France on Thursday.

This amazing feat surpassed the previous Olympic record of 90.57 metres, set by Norway‘s Andreas Thorkildsen during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Before this record-breaking moment, Arshad was already known for his talent, having secured a silver medal at the World Championships in 2023. His previous personal best was 90.18 metres, which he accomplished at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham in 2022, earning him a gold medal.

During the final, Arshad had a rough start with a foul on his first attempt. However, he quickly bounced back, launching himself to the top with his record-setting throw on his second attempt. He followed that up with another solid throw of 88.72 metres on his third attempt.

Close behind him was India’s Neeraj Chopra, who also delivered an impressive performance. After two attempts, he managed to land a throw of 89.45 metres, showcasing the fierce competition in the javelin throw event.

Rachel Adams

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