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Barron Trump Enrolls in NYU’s Stern Business School



Barron Trump Nyu Stern Business School

Barron Trump, the youngest son of former President Donald Trump, has officially begun his journey at the Stern Business School at New York University, located in downtown Manhattan.

The 18-year-old was observed on campus equipped with a Swiss Gear backpack and accompanied by a team of Secret Service agents. Standing at an impressive 6 feet 9 inches tall, he noticeably overshadowed his protective detail.

In a recent interview, Donald Trump expressed pride in his son’s academic accomplishments, stating that Barron was accepted to many colleges. “He’s a very smart guy, and he’ll be going to Stern, the business school, which is a great school at NYU,” he remarked.

Barron is the only child of Donald and Melania Trump. He spent his formative years in Trump Tower, New York City, and attended the Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School before graduating from Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida, last May.

Notably, Barron’s choice of NYU diverges from family tradition; his father graduated from Fordham University, while his siblings are alumni of either the University of Pennsylvania or Georgetown University. Donald Trump revealed that Barron initially contemplated attending the Wharton School at UPenn but ultimately favored NYU, appreciating its high-quality education.

According to Donald Trump, “He’s a very high aptitude child, but he’s no longer a child. He’s just passed into something beyond child-dom. He’s doing great,” he shared during the interview.

Rachel Adams

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