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Billie Eilish Sparks Album Speculation with Mysterious Close Friends Post



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Billie Eilish has set tongues wagging in the entertainment world with a cryptic post on her Instagram Close Friends story. The post, which features a mysterious image of her hand against a dark blue backdrop, has left fans speculating about a possible upcoming album release. This move comes shortly after billboards bearing Eilish’s signature ‘blohsh’ motif and snippets of what appear to be new lyrics popped up in cities worldwide.

In a surprising twist, Eilish’s Instagram profile photo has also been changed to a matching shade of blue, further fueling rumors of an impending album drop. Back in February, the ‘Happily Ever After’ singer hinted that her next album had been mastered and was nearing its release date.

‘There is a whole album of music coming,’ Eilish had previously stated. ‘We’re in the final stages of making it, so that doesn’t mean it’s about to come out, but it is getting there and it’s very exciting.’ Stay tuned to Hypebeast for more updates on Billie Eilish’s highly anticipated next album.

Rachel Adams

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