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Borderlands 4 Announcement Excites Fans



Borderlands 4 Game Announcement

Big news for gamers! The highly anticipated game Borderlands 4 is officially in the works and set to launch in 2025. This exciting announcement was made by 2K and Gearbox Software during gamescom’s Opening Night Live.

Borderlands 4 will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Players can get ready to jump into the action as legendary Vault Hunters searching for secret treasures while battling all kinds of enemies.

Randy Pitchford, the founder of Gearbox, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, saying the team has many ideas they’ve been eager to explore since the series began. They promise to take everything that fans love about Borderlands and elevate it to new heights.

The Borderlands franchise is no stranger to success, having sold over 87 million copies worldwide. Fans can expect unforgettable characters and a ton of unique weapons that the series is famous for.

Catharina Lavers Mallet from 2K shared her excitement, noting how the Borderlands series holds a special place in the hearts of gamers around the globe. She mentioned their commitment to delivering top-notch experiences for both old fans and newcomers alike.

This announcement follows the recent acquisition of Gearbox by Take-Two Interactive, which includes rights to various franchises, making this revelation even more significant for the gaming community.

Rachel Adams

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