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Breaking Hits the Olympic Stage in Paris



Breaking Hits The Olympic Stage In Paris

The atmosphere was electric as breaking, commonly called breakdancing, made its grand debut at the Olympics in Paris. Held at the stunning Place de la Concorde, the event brought together 17 skilled dancers known as B-Girls, battling it out for the very first time on this monumental stage.

One standout performer was Rachael Gunn, who goes by the stage name “Raygun.” Hailing from Australia, this 36-year-old college professor showcased her unique style, which included fun moves and creative flair. Despite being 20 years older than many of her competitors, including the silver medalist Dominika Banevic, Raygun proved that age doesn’t define skill.

This event saw competitors from various countries, but the gold went to Japan‘s Ami Yuasa, who dazzled the crowd with her phenomenal skills. She faced off against Banevic in an exciting final, while Liu Qingyi from China took home the bronze. Raygun, on the other hand, didn’t advance past the pool stage, but her spirit remained uncrushed.

Gunn expressed her disappointment about breaking being dropped from the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics, saying it felt premature to make such a decision. “I wonder if they’re kicking themselves now,” she added, reflecting on the event’s success.

Amidst fierce competition, the vibe was positive, with a DJ spinning hip-hop tracks and the crowd cheering enthusiastically. Each dance battle had B-Girls showcasing their moves, while judges assessed their performances.

One of the emotional highlights came from Talash, a competitor from the Refugee Olympic Team, who danced with a blue cape that read, “Free Afghan Women.” This moment reminded everyone of the diverse stories and backgrounds that these athletes come from, celebrating the global impact of this vibrant art form.

Raygun emphasized that breaking is an athletic endeavor that requires immense dedication and creativity, making it just as deserving of Olympic recognition as traditional sports. The event was a celebration of talent, culture, and the thrill of dance, leaving everyone in attendance buzzing with excitement.

Rachel Adams

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