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Bulldogs Set to Battle Dragons with Kikau’s Milestone Night



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Head Coach Cameron Ciraldo has announced his lineup for the upcoming match against the St George Illawarra Dragons at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium this evening.

As excitement builds, Bulldogs‘ star player Viliame Kikau is gearing up to celebrate his 150th NRL match! He will step onto the field in front of a packed crowd tonight.

In the crucial halves, Matt Burton and Toby Sexton will be working together to guide the team closer to their first finals appearance since 2016. The pressure is on as they aim for a strong performance.

Additionally, Drew Hutchison will be available as the 18th man, ready to jump in if needed.

The team lineup features players like Connor Tracey, Jacob Kiraz, Bronson Xerri, and captain Stephen Crichton alongside others like Josh Curran and Kurt Mann, creating a strong and capable squad.

Fans are eager to see how the Bulldogs will perform as they take on the Dragons in this highly anticipated matchup at their home ground. With Kikau’s milestone and the potential for a spot in the finals on the line, it’s shaping up to be an unforgettable night.

Rachel Adams

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