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Chief Justice Zondo Urges Reflection and Commitment from Newly Sworn-in MPs



Chief Justice Zondo Urges Reflection And Commitment From Newly Sworn In Mps

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has called on the newly sworn-in Members of Parliament to reflect on past mistakes and commit to improving democracy in South Africa.

The Chief Justice presided over the swearing-in ceremony of hundreds of Members of Parliament at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) during the inaugural sitting of the National Assembly of the seventh Parliament.

Zondo characterized this first sitting of Parliament after the recent General Elections as a significant milestone for South Africans.

Highlighting the importance of the occasion, Zondo urged MPs to evaluate the journey thus far, acknowledging both past mistakes and accomplishments, with a firm commitment to avoid repeating errors in the future.

Zondo extended congratulations to the sworn-in MPs, emphasizing the critical role they play in the National Assembly.

He reminded the MPs of their responsibility in shaping the nation’s future through legislation, noting the privilege and honor bestowed upon them by the people of South Africa.

The Chief Justice emphasized the significance of the oath taken by MPs, stressing its binding nature on their conscience, enjoining them to be faithful to the Republic of South Africa and to uphold the Constitution and all laws of the Republic.

The process of electing the Speaker of the National Assembly is currently underway following two nominations for the position, with subsequent steps including the election of the Deputy Speaker.

Today, MPs will also vote for a President to lead the seventh administration and form a government of national unity, as the ruling party did not secure an absolute majority in the recent elections.

Rachel Adams

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