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Cleveland Cavaliers Select Jayson Tyson in the 2024 NBA Draft: A Potential Steal?



Cleveland Cavaliers Select Jayson Tyson In The 2024 Nba Draft: A Potential Steal?

The Cleveland Cavaliers made a strategic move in the 2024 NBA Draft, opting to keep their No. 20 overall pick rather than exploring trade options. With this pick, they selected Jayson Tyson, a promising forward from California.

Tyson may not have been the flashy pick some expected, but he brings potential to develop into a reliable 3-and-D player for the Cavaliers. While not projected to be a star player, Tyson can fill a crucial role within the team.

Scouts have drawn comparisons between Tyson and Miami Heat‘s Caleb Martin due to Tyson’s advanced on-ball skills, including self-creation for scoring opportunities through drives, jumpers, and floaters. However, questions surround his off-ball efficiency and adaptation to varying usage levels.

Standing at 6-foot-7, Tyson’s versatility allows him to play at both small forward and power forward positions, offering defensive capabilities against formidable opponents like Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown.

Cleveland appears to prioritize multi-positional players who excel defensively, making Tyson a savvy choice for their roster. With the potential to emulate Caleb Martin’s impact, Tyson could play a vital role in the Cavaliers’ journey back to championship contention.

Rachel Adams

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