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Danilo Suffers Injury During Forest vs Bournemouth Match



Danilo Suffers Injury During Forest Vs Bournemouth Match

During a tense Premier League match on Saturday, Nottingham Forest faced off against Bournemouth, but the game took a serious turn in the seventh minute when midfielder Danilo suffered a frightening leg injury.

Danilo, the 23-year-old Brazilian player, fell awkwardly after a tackle with Bournemouth’s Antoine Semenyo. The situation quickly escalated, prompting both the referee and Danilo’s teammates to signal for medical help right away.

Medical staff rushed onto the pitch and quickly erected screens around Danilo as he received treatment. The match was paused for about 10 minutes while he was carefully carried off the field using a stretcher with a splint on his injured leg.

Sky Sports reporter Laura Hunter, who was on the scene, described the incident as a “really nasty clash.” She noted the heavy concern among those present, saying, “There is almost complete hush around the City Ground.” Fans from both sides cheered to support Danilo as he left the field.

After Danilo was replaced by teammate Ryan Yates, the game resumed, with Nottingham Forest eventually taking the lead in the 23rd minute.

Rachel Adams

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