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DeeOne Criticizes Genevieve Nnaji’s Age, Encourages Embracing Elderly Roles in Movies



Deeone Criticizes Genevieve Nnaji's Age, Encourages Embracing Elderly Roles In Movies

DeeOne, a well-known reality star, has sparked controversy by expressing his views on veteran Nollywood actress Genevieve Nnaji‘s ageless appearance. Contrary to popular belief among Nigerians, DeeOne insists that Genevieve is indeed aging and should embrace her true age.

The trending video of Genevieve dancing to Ayra Starr‘s ’21’ caught the attention of DeeOne, who believes that the praise she receives for appearing ageless is deceptive. He challenges the notion that Genevieve looks young and argues that her true age reflects in certain physical attributes rather than just her face.

In a direct message on Instagram, DeeOne urges Genevieve to accept the natural process of aging and consider taking on roles that align with her age, such as grandmother roles in movies. He emphasizes the importance of embracing old age and encourages Genevieve not to be swayed by false compliments from fans.

According to DeeOne, the common perception that Genevieve looks youthful is a facade, and he calls for a more realistic representation of her age in the media. He challenges Genevieve to post images of the back of her hands and legs to dispel the illusion of eternal youth created by admirers.

Following DeeOne’s statements, reactions have poured in from social media users, with mixed responses to his views. Some criticize his remarks, while others support his call for a more authentic portrayal of aging in the entertainment industry.

Rachel Adams

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