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Disappearance of Mamta Kafle Bhatt: Husband Arrested



Mamta Kafle Bhatt News

Authorities in Manassas Park, Virginia, have arrested Naresh Bhatt, the husband of missing mother Mamta Kafle Bhatt, in connection with her disappearance. The arrest occurred on August 22, 2024, as the investigation continues into Mamta’s whereabouts, who has been missing since late July.

Naresh Bhatt has been charged with concealing a dead body, as confirmed by Prince William County Commonwealth’s Attorney Amy Ashworth. Mamta was last seen on July 28, 2024, and her last known contact was reported the following day. Bhatt did not report her as missing until three days later, on August 5.

Police conducted a welfare check at the couple’s home on August 2, 2024, following a request from Mamta’s employer, UVA Prince William Medical Center. At that time, Naresh reportedly resisted reporting her missing.

Following his arrest, Naresh’s 1-year-old daughter was placed in the care of the Department of Social Services. Authorities have stated that the child is safe and being cared for appropriately.

In the wake of Mamta’s disappearance, community members, including her friends and family, have rallied together, organizing searches and distributing flyers to aid in the investigation.

Naresh Bhatt is currently being held without bond as he awaits his arraignment in the Prince William Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.

As the investigation progresses, authorities are pursuing additional leads that may lead to further charges against Bhatt. The community continues to express their concern and support for Mamta’s family during this difficult time.

Rachel Adams

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