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Eric Andre Alleges Racial Profiling at Melbourne Airport



Eric Andre At Melbourne Airport

American comedian Eric Andre recently shared his experience of being racially profiled at Melbourne Airport. He posted a video on Instagram, describing how he was pulled out of a lineup and subjected to a thorough search by sniffer dogs after a long journey from New York to Brisbane.

In his video, Andre expressed frustration over being singled out and warned fellow travelers of color to be cautious when passing through Melbourne Airport, especially using Qantas International flights.

Andre revealed that he plans to engage a discrimination lawyer regarding the incident and is seeking information on how many passengers, particularly people of color, are subjected to extra security checks at the airport.

The comedian, known for hosting ‘The Eric Andre Show,’ stated that he feels unsafe traveling through Melbourne Airport and does not want to face humiliating treatment again. He criticized the security protocols in place, comparing them to outdated practices that do not enhance safety.

In response to Andre’s claims, Melbourne Airport mentioned that it does not tolerate racism and is investigating the situation in collaboration with the Australian Border Force and relevant authorities to ensure equal treatment for all passengers.

Rachel Adams

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