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Fans React to The Rock’s Return to WWE and Potential WrestleMania Match



Fans React To The Rock's Return To Wwe And Potential Wrestlemania Match

The Rock made a surprise return to WWE on Friday night, setting off a wave of mixed reactions from fans. The WWE shared a video of The Rock’s appearance on its YouTube channel, which has garnered significant attention from viewers, with many leaving negative comments.

Fans expressed disappointment that The Rock threatened to take Cody Rhodes‘ spot at WrestleMania, as they believed Rhodes should have the opportunity to finish his own story. The comment section of the YouTube video is filled with angry reactions, with thousands of dislikes compared to the number of likes.

Many fans are questioning the decision to have The Rock insert himself into the WrestleMania main event, especially since Rhodes had been building up his own storyline for years. They argue that it goes against the narrative and character development Rhodes has undergone, and are concerned that this move could turn The Rock into a villain in the eyes of the fans.

The comparison between Rhodes’ situation and Daniel Bryan‘s story in 2014 has been made, but fans argue that Rhodes’ predicament is even worse. While Bryan’s rise to WrestleMania was an organic movement from fans, Rhodes’ story had been planned and teased by WWE. Fans feel betrayed by the company for not allowing Rhodes to finish his story at WrestleMania 40.

There are concerns that this decision could have a disastrous impact on the WrestleMania 40 main event, with fans potentially turning on both Rhodes and the match between Dwayne 'Batista' Johnson and Roman Orton. It is clear that fans want to see Rhodes fulfill his story arc, and diverting from this path could result in negative consequences for WWE.

Some speculate that WWE might be planning to unify the belts at SummerSlam, with Rhodes competing for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against the Universal champion coming out of WrestleMania. However, this idea is met with resistance as fans see the WWE World Heavyweight Championship as a second-tier title, undermining Rhodes’ potential reign.

The situation with Rhodes’ storyline and The Rock’s involvement has sparked a strong reaction from fans, with hashtags such as ‘Poor Cody’ and ‘WE WANT CODY’ trending on Twitter. It remains to be seen how WWE will handle the backlash and whether they will reconsider their plans for WrestleMania 40.

Rachel Adams

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