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FBI Director Chris Wray Announces Resignation Amid Pressure from Trump



Fbi Director Chris Wray Resignation

FBI Director Christopher Wray has announced his plans to resign from his position, a move that comes amid significant pressure from former President Donald Trump. According to sources familiar with an internal town hall meeting held on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, Wray informed FBI employees of his decision to step down.

Trump had repeatedly indicated that he would fire Wray if he did not resign. This ongoing tension between Trump and Wray has been a point of contention, particularly as Trump has been critical of Wray’s leadership of the FBI.

Wray’s resignation is set to take effect at the end of the Biden administration. This timeline suggests that Wray will remain in his role until the current administration concludes its term.

The announcement of Wray’s resignation also follows recent support from incoming Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley for Trump’s plan to remove Wray and his second in command from their posts. Grassley’s stance adds to the political pressure that has been mounting against Wray).

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