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Former U.S. Rep. Michael Grimm Paralyzed After Horse Riding Accident



Michael Grimm Horse Riding Accident

Former U.S. Representative Michael Grimm, a Republican from New York, has been paralyzed following a horse riding accident in September. The incident, which had not been previously reported, occurred when Grimm was thrown from a horse, resulting in paralysis from the chest down.

Grimm, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2011 to 2015, is currently a contributor to Newsmax. His friends and former colleagues have set up a GoFundMe page to help cover the substantial costs of his recovery, which is estimated to be in the millions of dollars. As of Sunday night, nearly $80,000 had been raised towards the $2.5 million goal.

The fundraiser highlights the severity of Grimm’s condition and the need for ongoing care and treatment to aid in his recovery. Vincent Ignizio, a deputy executive director on the New York City Board of Elections, has appealed for donations and prayers to support Grimm during this challenging time.

Grimm had previously expressed his love for horses on social media, often referring to himself as a “horse guy.” This incident marks a significant setback for the former congressman, who had also faced legal challenges in the past, including a conviction for tax fraud that led to his resignation from Congress and an 8-month prison sentence.

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