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Hawks’ Will Day Avoids Serious Injury



Hawks' Will Day Avoids Serious Injury

In an uplifting turn of events for Hawthorn fans, star midfielder Will Day has escaped a serious collarbone injury after being taken to the hospital.

During the team’s impressive 63-point win against Richmond, Day was substituted out before quarter-time. He had a nasty collision with teammate Jai Newcombe that led to immediate concerns about his shoulder.

Fortunately, scans revealed no break, which was a huge relief for everyone involved. However, Day will undergo further tests on Monday to check the extent of his injury, which could impact his availability for the upcoming match against North Melbourne.

Coach Sam Mitchell shared the good news, stating, “He has an X-ray and no break, which is good news.” He also explained that while it’s a relief, they still need more information before knowing whether Day can take the field again this season.

In addition to Day’s injury, Hawthorn also lost defender Jack Scrimshaw during the game due to a badly dislocated finger, adding to the team’s injury woes. Scrimshaw will also have scans done to understand the situation better.

Despite these setbacks, there were bright spots in the match. Calsher Dear continued to shine in his debut season, scoring three goals against Richmond, bringing his total to 19 from 14 games.

Hawthorn’s victory leaves them in a strong position to secure a finals spot, but they’ll need to beat North Melbourne next week to guarantee their place.

As the players prepare for this crucial match, it’s clear that the team’s spirit remains high despite the injury concerns. The excitement around the possibility of competing in September is palpable among the squad.

Rachel Adams

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