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Jack Darling Seeks Transfer to North Melbourne



Jack Darling Football

Veteran forward Jack Darling has expressed his desire to join North Melbourne, signaling the end of his tenure with the West Coast Eagles. This decision comes as part of Darling’s aspirations to extend his career under the guidance of North Melbourne’s coach, Alastair Clarkson.

Earlier this week, Jack Darling underwent a medical examination and engaged in discussions with North Melbourne officials and players. This interaction occurred following reports that the Kangaroos are eager to extend the 32-year-old’s playing career beyond the upcoming season.

Darling’s intention to transfer has become a significant development during this off-season, adding intrigue to the AFL trade period. The move would see the experienced forward shift to a new club after several seasons at West Coast, where he has been a key player.

The decision is not only influenced by Darling’s athletic ambitions but also by the prospect of continuing his football journey in a team that is looking to rebuild under a renowned coach like Clarkson.

Rachel Adams

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