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Karnataka CM Fights Prosecution Decision



Karnataka Cm Fights Prosecution Decision

Karnataka‘s Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah, is gearing up to take legal action against a decision made by the state’s governor. This decision gives the green light for his prosecution over alleged corruption related to a site allotment by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority, known as MUDA.

Sources close to the matter say that Siddaramaiah plans to approach the High Court on Monday. The chief minister’s legal advisor expressed confusion about the governor’s order, noting that it seems to bypass standard legal procedures.

In the face of this controversy, Siddaramaiah has intensified his campaign against the opposition BJP, accusing them of a political vendetta using the Governor’s office.

On August 22, Siddaramaiah plans to hold a Congress Legislative Party meeting to discuss these developments with fellow lawmakers. Minister Priyank Kharge mentioned that it’s essential to keep the party members informed.

The allegations against Siddaramaiah, particularly concerning a site allotted to his wife, have raised eyebrows. Critics claim that the land’s value far exceeds the compensation offered by MUDA, with BJP leaders estimating the alleged scam to be worth between ₹4,000 crore and ₹5,000 crore.

The BJP has called for a thorough investigation and demands Siddaramaiah’s resignation, insisting their interest lies in transparency rather than targeting individuals.

Following the governor’s sanctions, deputy chief minister Shivakumar announced that protest rallies would take place across Karnataka. He denounced the governor’s decision and called it a ‘murder of democracy.’

In response, one of the complainants in the MUDA case, TJ Abraham, is set to approach a special court, seeking further legal action.

Meanwhile, Siddaramaiah maintains his innocence, insisting all actions taken during the allotment process were by the book.

The political landscape in Karnataka seems to be heating up, with both sides gearing up for a legal and political battle.

Rachel Adams

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