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St Mirren’s impressive away performance secures 3-0 victory over Hibernian



St Mirren's Impressive Away Performance Secures 3 0 Victory Over Hibernian

St Mirren produced a dominant display on the road as they secured a convincing 3-0 victory over Hibernian at Easter Road. Hibernian manager Nick Montgomery expressed his disappointment with his team’s lackluster performance and lack of fighting spirit in the first half. He took responsibility for the defeat and acknowledged that a lot of changes had taken place in the team recently, making instant cohesion a challenge. On the other hand, St Mirren manager Stephen Robinson was delighted with his team’s superb performance and emphasized the excellent control they maintained throughout the game. He praised his players’ confidence and stated they expected to win every match, displaying their self-assurance as they head into their next game against Dundee.

Meanwhile, in the Scottish Premiership, Livingston manager David Martindale raised concerns about a questionable decision by the referee in the game against Rangers. Martindale felt there should have been a VAR review for a high challenge by Connor Goldson on David Carson during Rangers’ first goal. He believed this decision had a significant impact on the momentum of the game. Martindale also shared his skepticism about the effectiveness of VAR and expressed his determination to keep Livingston in the Premiership.

In the match between Kilmarnock and Motherwell, Kilmarnock manager Derek McInnes commended his team’s initial performance and a strong start. However, he expressed his disappointment in the equalizing goal conceded due to a lapse in defense during a set-piece situation. McInnes highlighted the influence of Blair Spittal and Theo Bair in Motherwell’s play and admitted his team lacked a similar level of influence. Despite the draw, he considered a point on the road a decent result.

Motherwell manager Stuart Kettlewell acknowledged his team’s solid reaction to going behind and their overall performance against Kilmarnock. Kettlewell believed his team was better and expressed frustration at not taking all three points. He emphasized the need for his team to be more ruthless in converting their chances.

Rachel Adams

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