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NSW Liberal MP Matt Kean Resigns from State Politics After 13 Years



Nsw Liberal Mp Matt Kean Resigns From State Politics After 13 Years

New South Wales Liberal MP Matt Kean has made a significant announcement, revealing his decision to retire from state politics after a remarkable 13-year tenure. Kean, a prominent figure within the NSW Liberal Party, made the unexpected declaration during a press conference at the NSW Parliament. He reassured the public that he has no intentions of pursuing a federal political position, expressing his plans to venture into the private sector focusing on climate and energy endeavors.

Joined by his partner, Wendy Quinn, and their son, Tom, Kean took the opportunity to express gratitude towards his family, dedicated staff, and supportive Liberal colleagues. He emphasized his unwavering commitment to the Liberal Party and his dedication to advocating for the election of Liberal governments at local, state, and federal levels.

Matt Kean, who represented the Hornsby electorate since 2011, held several significant roles within the Coalition government. His tenure included serving as the Minister for Energy and Environment as well as Treasurer. Notably, Kean has been a leading voice within the Coalition in addressing the urgent need for climate action. His efforts culminated in the establishment of ambitious clean energy targets for New South Wales.

Kean’s resignation arrives at a critical juncture as the federal Coalition grapples with internal divisions over climate and energy policies, including deliberations on the potential adoption of nuclear power. Earlier this year, Kean publicly opposed governmental subsidies for Origin Energy, pushing for a transition towards renewable energy sources instead.

The announcement of his resignation will trigger a by-election in the Hornsby electorate, historically held by the Liberal Party. Kean’s departure marks the conclusion of a significant era in NSW politics, leaving behind a legacy of impactful energy and climate policies.

Rachel Adams

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