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South Africa’s DA Agrees to Back Cyril Ramaphosa for Second Term as President



South Africa's Da Agrees To Back Cyril Ramaphosa For Second Term As President

South Africa‘s political landscape is undergoing a significant shift as the Democratic Alliance (DA), the country’s second-largest party, has announced its support for Cyril Ramaphosa‘s bid for a second term as president.

John Steenhuisen, the leader of the DA, confirmed the party’s decision, cementing a coalition agreement with Ramaphosa’s African National Congress (ANC). The move virtually secures Ramaphosa’s reelection as president of South Africa.

The coalition agreement between the ANC and the DA marks a historic collaboration between two parties that have traditionally been political rivals. The agreement, which was formally signed, paves the way for the DA to co-govern alongside the ANC.

The alliance between the ANC and the DA comes at a critical juncture for South Africa, following the ANC’s loss of its majority in the recent election. Ramaphosa’s reelection now appears almost certain with the backing of the DA.

As the first sitting of Parliament convenes, lawmakers are poised to elect the next president of South Africa. The session, presided over by the chief justice, began with the swearing-in of newly elected members and will proceed to the election of key leadership positions.

South Africa’s political landscape has faced a seismic shift with the ANC’s diminished majority prompting the party to seek coalition partners. Ramaphosa’s return for a second term underscores the ANC’s efforts to maintain stability and governance amid a changing political landscape.

Notably, the MK Party, led by former ANC leader Jacob Zuma, has decided to boycott the first sitting of Parliament, underscoring the complexities of South Africa’s political dynamics in the aftermath of the election.

Rachel Adams

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