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South Africa’s President Ramaphosa Pledges Unity in Inaugural Speech



South Africa's President Ramaphosa Pledges Unity In Inaugural Speech

South Africa’s newly elected President, Cyril Ramaphosa, delivered a unifying inaugural speech at the historic Union Buildings, emphasizing a commitment to serve all South Africans. The event, overseen by Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, was attended by prominent figures such as former Presidents Thabo Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe, signifying a momentous occasion in the country’s political landscape.

Ramaphosa highlighted the significance of the Government of National Unity (GNU), formed after the recent elections where the African National Congress (ANC) lost its majority. The GNU includes parties like the Democratic Alliance, Inkatha Freedom Party, Patriotic Alliance, and the GOOD party, symbolizing a collaborative approach to governance.

In his address, Ramaphosa drew parallels to the end of Apartheid three decades ago, underscoring the people’s mandate for unity and progress. He acknowledged past governance shortcomings in areas like service delivery, corruption, and inequality, pledging to work with all political parties and sectors to address these challenges.

Referencing the commitments outlined in the Statement of Intent signed by GNU parties, Ramaphosa emphasized the need for rapid, inclusive economic growth and social development. He called for a National Dialogue involving political parties, civil society, labor, and business to deliberate on key national issues and foster collaboration.

While advocating for cooperation and solidarity, President Ramaphosa cautioned against divisive influences and vowed to uphold the Constitution, protect democracy, and prioritize the needs of all South Africans. He expressed optimism for a united, resilient, and equal nation, reflecting the aspirations captured in Sandile Dikeni’s poetic vision of a better South Africa.

Rachel Adams

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