Sun Prairie’s Jimmy the Groundhog Predicts Early Spring for 2025

SUN PRAIRIE, Wis. — Wisconsin‘s beloved weather prognosticator, Jimmy the Groundhog, has declared an early spring for 2025. The prediction came during the 77th Annual Groundhog Prognostication ceremony held Sunday at sunrise in Sun Prairie‘s Cannery Square.
The event, a long-standing tradition in the city, was hosted by WKOW 27’s Dana Fulton, 27 News Wake Up Wisconsin meteorologist, and Emma Hietpas, 27 Storm Track weather anchor. Hundreds gathered to witness Jimmy’s forecast, which carries a 60% accuracy rate over the past two decades.
According to the National Weather Service, Jimmy’s track record makes him one of the nation’s most reliable groundhog forecasters. Staten Island Chuck leads with an 85% accuracy rate, while the famous Punxsutawney Phil trails with just 30% accuracy. However, Phil’s lower percentage is attributed to his 138-year forecasting history, which includes more opportunities for errors.
Last year, Jimmy correctly predicted an early spring, while his 2023 forecast of six more weeks of winter also proved accurate. This year, cloudy conditions during the prediction time increased the likelihood of an early spring forecast, as groundhogs typically predict longer winters if they see their shadows.
The ceremony drew attention from across Wisconsin, with many eagerly awaiting Jimmy’s verdict. “Jimmy is a good meteorologist,” said one attendee, reflecting the community’s trust in their furry forecaster.
For those seeking more precise weather updates, local meteorologists recommend following professional forecasts. However, Jimmy’s prediction remains a cherished tradition that brings the community together each February.