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Malawi Vice President’s Plane Gone Missing, Search Underway



Malawi Vice President's Plane Gone Missing, Search Underway

A military aircraft carrying Malawi’s incumbent Vice President, Saulos Klaus Chilima, and nine other individuals is currently missing, prompting a search and rescue operation. The plane departed from Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi, but failed to arrive at its destination, Mzuzu International Airport, approximately 230 miles to the north. The Vice President, aged 51, was on board the flight which left around 9 am local time.

The disappearance of the aircraft was confirmed by the office of President Lazarus Chakwera, who was informed of the situation by the head of the Malawian armed forces. Subsequently, Chakwera called for an immediate search operation and decided to cancel a planned trip to the Bahamas. Efforts to establish contact with the missing plane have so far been unsuccessful.

According to the statement released by the President’s office, aviation authorities lost contact with the aircraft when it went off radar after takeoff. Chakwera has directed both national and local authorities to coordinate efforts in locating the missing aircraft and ensuring the safety of all passengers and crew members onboard.

The Vice President of Malawi, Saulos Klaus Chilima, who was on the ill-fated flight, has been a prominent figure in the country’s political landscape. The incident has sparked concerns among the public and raised questions about the safety and security of air travel in the region. As search and rescue operations continue, the nation is on edge awaiting updates on the whereabouts of the missing aircraft and its passengers.

Rachel Adams

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