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Actor Goûchy Boy Sentenced to 21 Months in Prison for Sexual Assault



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Actor Goûchy Boy, known for his role in the TV series Unit 9, was sentenced to 21 months in prison on Wednesday for sexually assaulting a woman in a case of intimate partner violence. The 52-year-old actor, whose real name is Ugochukwu Chijoke Onyechekwa, received his sentence at the Longueuil courthouse.

The sentencing came just hours after he attacked a press photographer in a confrontation captured on video. The judge, Christian Jarry, imposed the 21-month prison sentence despite the defense’s request for a suspended sentence of 20 months to be served in the community. The prosecutor had sought a two-year prison term.

During the sentencing, Judge Jarry noted the lack of remorse from Goûchy Boy and highlighted the significant consequences on the victim, emphasizing the breach of trust in the relationship. The actor’s behavior in court, where he expressed intentions to sue the prosecutor and victim, further contributed to the decision.

Defense lawyer Kristina Markovic and Crown prosecutor Tiziana Daniele were involved in the case, presenting arguments regarding the severity of the assault and its impact on the victim. Ugochukwu Chijoke Onyechekwa, standing at 6’5″ and now using a walker, had developed a relationship with the woman prior to the assault.

Rachel Adams

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