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Aditya Narayan’s Concert Controversy: Singer loses cool at fan, throws phone in crowd



Aditya Narayan's Concert Controversy: Singer Loses Cool At Fan, Throws Phone In Crowd

Singer Aditya Narayan stirred controversy during his concert in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, as he unexpectedly lost his temper at a fan. Aditya, known for his popular Bollywood tracks, was performing the iconic ‘Aaj Ki Raat’ from Shah Rukh Khan‘s movie ‘Don‘ when an incident unfolded.

While in the midst of his performance, Aditya noticed a fan recording the show. What prompted the singer’s reaction remains unclear, but in a viral video capturing the moment, Aditya is seen abruptly striking the fan with his microphone.

Despite the crowd’s enjoyment of the concert, Aditya’s actions sparked mixed reactions as he proceeded to snatch the fan’s phone and furiously toss it into the crowd before resuming his performance.

The video of Aditya Narayan’s outburst at the concert quickly circulated online, leaving fans and viewers taken aback by his behavior towards the fan in attendance.

His actions have drawn criticism from social media users, with many expressing disappointment in the singer’s behavior. Some users noted a pattern of such incidents involving Aditya, questioning his attitude and actions towards his fans in previous instances as well.

Rachel Adams

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