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Anne Hathaway Credits Christopher Nolan for Saving Her Career Amid Online Backlash



Anne Hathaway Credits Christopher Nolan For Saving Her Career Amid Online Backlash

Anne Hathaway revealed in an exclusive interview with Vanity Fair how director Christopher Nolan played a pivotal role in saving her career when she faced online backlash following her Oscar win.

Hathaway, known for her roles in films like Interstellar and Les Miserables, shared that the intense scrutiny and ridicule she experienced after winning the Oscar could have derailed her career.

However, it was Christopher Nolan who stood by her and cast her in significant roles like Dr. Amelia Brand in Interstellar and Selina Kyle in The Dark Knight Rises, despite the negative attention she was receiving.

Speaking about Nolan’s influence, Hathaway expressed deep gratitude for his support, emphasizing that he did not pay heed to the online toxicity that was affecting her career prospects.

Reflecting on those challenging times, Hathaway discussed how the internet backlash led some in the industry to doubt her abilities, but Nolan’s steadfast belief in her talent allowed her to continue working on major projects.

Essentially, Hathaway credited Nolan with giving her opportunities that helped her career stay afloat amid the turbulent waters of online criticism.

Rachel Adams

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