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Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Métis Country Music Legend Ray St. Germain



Celebrating The Life And Legacy Of Métis Country Music Legend Ray St. Germain

A beloved icon of Métis heritage and country music, Ray St. Germain, passed away at the age of 83, leaving behind a legacy that resonates with fans worldwide. Born in Winnipeg, St. Germain’s musical journey began in his teens, leading him to perform alongside music legends like Johnny Cash and Kenny Rogers. His contributions to the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame in 2010 solidified his place in music history.

Throughout his illustrious career, St. Germain was an avid promoter of Métis and Indigenous culture, earning prestigious honors such as the Order of Manitoba and the Aboriginal Order of Canada. His dedication to his roots was evident in his work, with his influence extending beyond music into cultural advocacy and recognition.

St. Germain’s impact was not only felt on stage but also on the airwaves, where he hosted the popular radio show Métis Hour x2 for over two decades. Collaborating with fellow host Naomi Clarke, he shared his passion for music and community, leaving an indelible mark on his listeners.

His musical legacy was further enriched by his partnership with guitar virtuoso Lenny Breau during his early career, showcasing their talents as the Mississippi Gamblers. St. Germain’s return to Winnipeg saw him host iconic CBC shows like Music Hop, solidifying his status as a household name in Canadian television.

As a national treasure and a legend in the Red River Métis community, St. Germain’s contributions to entertainment and cultural heritage are unmatched. His family, including wife Glory St. Germain and children, continue to honor his memory by upholding his musical legacy and passion for Métis culture.

Rachel Adams

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