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Chris Rock Abruptly Ends Comedy Set at Billionaire’s Christmas Party



Chris Rock Comedy Set Billionaire Christmas Party

Comedian Chris Rock made headlines over the weekend after he unexpectedly ended his comedy set at billionaire Anthony Pratt’s Christmas party. The 59-year-old comedian had been performing a surprise set at the event when the incident occurred.

According to reports from The Post, Rock’s set was cut short after he made a joke that seemed to fall flat. The joke in question involved a comment about putting Mexicans on rockets as part of a new push into outer space. However, it was not this joke that prompted Rock to leave the stage.

Cindy Adams of The Post, who was in attendance at the party, noted that Rock “saw something the audience did not” that apparently upset him, leading to his abrupt departure from the stage.

The exact nature of what Rock saw or what specifically upset him has not been detailed, but the sudden end to his performance has generated significant interest and speculation among fans and media alike.

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