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Controversy Erupts Over Symbol in Indian Parliament



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A recent political storm has swept through the Indian Parliament following comments by Samajwadi Party MP RK Chaudhary, igniting a debate over the symbolic Sengol present in the legislative chamber.

In a fervent plea, Chaudhary denounced the Sengol as a representation of monarchy, asserting that it contradicted the principles of democracy embodied by the Indian Constitution. He demanded the removal of the Sengol and its replacement with the Constitution, emphasizing the need to safeguard democratic values.

The remarks by Chaudhary sparked outrage among BJP leaders, with CR Kesavan condemning the statement as disrespectful and derogatory. Kesavan criticized the Samajwadi Party MP for undermining the sanctity of Parliament and disrespecting millions of followers through his comments.

Union Minister Anupriya Patel raised questions about the Samajwadi Party’s stance during the installation of the Sengol in Parliament, questioning the motives behind their current demands for its removal.

Similarly, BL Verma, another Union Minister, denounced the calls for removing the Sengol, urging SP leaders to reflect on parliamentary traditions and constitutional values before making such demands. Misa Bharti suggested relocating the Sengol to a museum as a symbol of India’s democratic ethos.

Defending Chaudhary’s statement, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav suggested that it served as a gentle reminder to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He hinted that the MP’s comments were aimed at recalling a specific gesture by PM Modi during the installation of the Sengol in Parliament.

Installed on May 28, 2023, by PM Modi, the Sengol holds historical significance, having been originally accepted by Jawaharlal Nehru on the eve of India’s independence. The debate surrounding its presence in the Parliament underscores the delicate balance between tradition and modern democracy.

Rachel Adams

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