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Cory Ellison’s Career Challenges in Season 4 of ‘The Morning Show’



Cory Ellison The Morning Show

Cory Ellison is on a new journey in Season 4 after facing the challenge of being without a job at UBA, as hinted by actor Billy Crudup following his Emmy win. Speaking backstage on Sunday night, Crudup expressed disbelief at the prospect of Cory not succeeding. “I never imagined him without a job or without succeeding,” said Crudup.

He further explained that portraying Cory’s unwavering confidence had been a fulfilling aspect of the role. “I thought that was one of the things that was most enjoyable about playing [the character]. He never got down on himself, because he always had the confidence he would, in the end, prevail,” Crudup shared.

Crudup also spoke about the uncertain future his character faces and acknowledged the interesting direction crafted by the writers. “I have left that to the writers, and they have delivered something very interesting,” he continued. “We’re in the middle of shooting it now, so I can’t divulge it, but it’s new terrain for Cory, and it’s exciting to play.”

Crudup’s performance in Season 3 earned him the Emmy Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series at the 76th Emmy Awards. He praised the show’s writers for the rewarding challenges they have provided. “I especially enjoyed the opportunity to play Cory going somewhat off the rails in Season 3,” he said, referencing his character’s interactions with tech mogul Paul Marks, played by Jon Hamm.

Production for Season 4 of ‘The Morning Show‘ is underway, and the series had been renewed for a fourth season before the premiere of Season 3. Discussions about a potential fifth season are reportedly ongoing, although the premiere date for Season 4 has not yet been announced.
