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Curmel Moton Faces Criticism After Missing Weight in Recent Boxing Event



Curmel Moton Missing Weight Boxing

Curmel Moton, a protege of boxing legend Floyd Mayweather, has been at the center of controversy after failing to make the required weight for his recent boxing match. Moton’s decision not to push himself to the limit to achieve the weight has sparked significant criticism within the boxing community.

In an interview, Moton explained his reasoning, stating that there was “no point in killing myself” to make the weight. He emphasized the importance of his health and well-being over the pressure to meet the weight requirements. This stance, however, has been met with skepticism by some of his peers and fans.

David Benavidez, another prominent figure in the boxing world, has been particularly vocal about Moton’s decision. Benavidez criticized Moton for what he perceived as an unprofessional move, suggesting that Moton’s refusal to make weight could undermine the integrity of the sport.

Despite the backlash, Moton has maintained that his health is a priority and that he will not compromise it to meet the demands of the sport. This incident has ignited a broader discussion about the pressures and challenges faced by boxers in relation to weight management and the potential health risks involved).

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