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England Narrowly Defeat Italy in Thrilling Six Nations Clash



England Narrowly Defeat Italy In Thrilling Six Nations Clash

England managed to secure a narrow 27-24 victory over Italy in a thrilling Six Nations clash held in Rome on Saturday. Both teams showcased an impressive performance, and Italy, under the guidance of new head coach Gonzalo Quesada, gave a solid display even in their loss, earning a crucial bonus point.

The Azzurri began the match strongly, with tries from Alessandro Garbisi and Tommaso Allan, exposing a struggling English defence. However, as the game progressed, England’s communication and defensive structure improved significantly, thanks to Felix Jones’ tactics. The visitors managed to suffocate the Italian backs, preventing them from gaining momentum.

Throughout the match, it seemed like the victory could slip away from England. Nevertheless, the impressive performance of the English back-row and the strategic territorial play led by George Ford and Henry Slade turned the tide. In a pivotal moment just after the break, Alex Mitchell displayed great determination by evading three defenders within a single meter to score a crucial try.

Italy showcased their strength in the first and last quarters of the match. The physical presence and directness of their center partnership, Juan Ignacio Brex and Tommaso Menoncello, created ample space for their teammates. Brex’s exceptional offload set up Garbisi for a brilliantly executed try through the middle of the field, bypassing Ollie Chessum’s attempted tackle.

Despite Italy’s strong start and England’s domination in breakdown battles and set-pieces, both teams fought tenaciously. Ultimately, England did enough to claim victory, but credit must be given to Italy for their impressive performance under Quesada’s leadership.

Rachel Adams

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