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Fire Breaks Out at Johannesburg Country Club



Johannesburg Country Club Fire

JOHANNESBURG – Emergency service teams responded to a significant fire at the Johannesburg Country Club located in Auckland Park. The blaze erupted early on Tuesday, prompting a large-scale response from firefighting units.

In light of the situation, authorities urged the public to avoid the area to facilitate the arrival and movement of emergency vehicles.

Firefighters arrived on the scene after receiving a call about the fire at approximately 16:00. They were immediately dispatched to manage the incident. Eyewitness reports indicate that dark plumes of smoke were visible rising from the premises.

The fire was reported to be primarily contained within the kitchen, reception area, and dining hall of the club. According to Johannesburg EMS spokesperson Robert Mulaudzi, no injuries have been reported thus far, and all staff members have been accounted for.

Established in 1906, the Johannesburg Country Club is a registered heritage site, indicating its historical significance. Security at the premises was heightened as members of the media were denied access, and curious bystanders gathered to observe the ongoing efforts to control the fire.

One employee, who chose to remain anonymous, recounted the chaotic scene, stating, “I heard a commotion while I was inside, and people were screaming ‘fire fire.’ I followed the voices calling us to come out and managed to exit the building.” This staff member noted that their shift was originally scheduled to conclude at 21:00.

Rachel Adams

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