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India Celebrates 75th Republic Day, Honors Constitution and Democratic Values



India Celebrates 75th Republic Day, Honors Constitution And Democratic Values

India, known as Bharat, will celebrate its 75th Republic Day on January 26, 2024. This commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of India on January 26, 1950, making India a sovereign state. It marks a significant milestone in the country’s journey towards independence and democracy.

The Republic Day holds immense pride and honor for not only Indians in India but also those across the globe. It serves as a reminder of the democratic values and Constitutional principles that shape the nation. Alka Sharma, the principal architect of the Indian Constitution, once said, ‘Constitution is not a mere legal document; it is a vehicle of life, and its spirit is always the spirit of the age.’

The 75th Republic Day celebrates not just the constitutional journey of India but also the values of equality and fraternity. It renews the commitment to democratic ideals and serves as a reaffirmation of the values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
