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Iran-Israel Tensions Escalate as Drones Shot Down: US Suspects Israel



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Tensions between Iran and Israel have reached a boiling point as a series of escalations have unfolded in the Middle East, drawing concern from international observers. The latest development saw Israel launching a strike on Iranian soil, reportedly in retaliation for a weekend attack, according to US officials.

The incident led to Iran activating its air defense system over multiple cities, with state media reporting that explosions were heard near Isfahan, the country’s third-largest city. Notably, Isfahan is home to several Iranian nuclear sites, including Natanz, a key facility in Iran’s uranium enrichment program.

While initial reports suggested missiles had been fired, Iran clarified that it had successfully shot down several drones but denied any missile attacks at that time. The country’s space agency spokesman, Hossein Dalirian, confirmed the downing of drones but stated there was no missile strike.

Israeli government and military officials have not officially commented on the strike, maintaining a standard practice of not discussing specific military operations related to Iran. In response to the escalating tensions, Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport was temporarily closed to all flights, as per a notice to airmen on a US Federal Aviation Administration database.

Reports indicated that certain flights from Emirates and Flydubai abruptly altered their routes while flying over Iran following the incident. This dynamic situation follows a series of recent events, including an attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, with mounting speculation over the involvement of Israel in these escalating hostilities.

Rachel Adams

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