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Justin Trudeau Commits to Continuing as Prime Minister Despite Challenges



Justin Trudeau Commits To Continuing As Prime Minister Despite Challenges

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made it clear that he has no intention of stepping down from his role, despite the immense challenges and personal sacrifices it entails.

During an interview on Radio-Canada‘s ‘Midi info,’ Trudeau expressed his commitment to staying on as the head of government.

When asked by host Alec Castonguay if he had ever considered resigning, Trudeau humorously replied that it was a daily thought.

He went on to describe his job as ‘super tough’ and at times ‘super flat.’

Trudeau emphasized that both domestic and international issues motivated him to remain in office and lead the Liberal Party in the upcoming general elections.

He highlighted the threats facing women’s rights, LBGTQ community rights, and the fight against climate change.

Trudeau also discussed the global challenges posed by ‘extreme populism’ on democracies worldwide.

He reiterated that Canadian voters would face a fundamental choice in the next election about the kind of country they want to live in.

Trudeau stated that his entry into politics was driven by a desire to serve rather than seeking popularity, believing he still has much to offer as Prime Minister.

He expressed his human doubts about his work almost daily but asserted that he is committed to the fight for a better future for Canada.

Rachel Adams

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