King Tides Bring Danger and Awe to Oregon Coast

A recent incident at Cannon Beach on the Oregon coast has highlighted the dangers and awe-inspiring power of King Tides. On Thursday, a woman visiting the area had a harrowing encounter with the ocean when she was nearly swept out to sea by a powerful wave during a King Tide event. The Cannon Beach Police Department released a video of the incident, showing the woman at the Gower Street ramp as the wave surged around her. Fortunately, she managed to escape the surf and reach safety..
King Tides are exceptionally high tides that occur when gravitational forces align, typically during a new or full moon when the Moon is at its perigee (closest to Earth). While the term “King Tides” is not scientific, it is recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a way to describe the dramatic rise and fall of ocean water levels.
Authorities along the Oregon coast are urging caution as King Tides are expected to peak this weekend. The Cannon Beach Police Department has advised the public to watch these high tides from a distance, recommending locations well above the action and away from cliff edges. They also warned against venturing onto beaches, trails, or jetties during storms or King Tide events, highlighting the dangers of rogue waves, flooding, erosion, and unpredictable surf.
The dangers associated with King Tides include the sudden appearance of rogue waves, localized flooding of parking lots and trails, accelerated coastal erosion, and debris in the water. Even experienced swimmers and surfers can be dragged far from shore in seconds by the powerful currents. To stay safe, visitors are advised to observe from higher elevations, avoid stormy conditions, respect barricades and warnings, and never turn their backs on the ocean.
The incident at Cannon Beach serves as a stark reminder of the ocean’s power and unpredictability. While the allure of the coast is undeniable, it is vital to prioritize safety and respect the dangers posed by natural phenomena like King Tides. This weekend, those drawn to the coast to witness these dramatic tidal events are encouraged to do so responsibly and from a safe distance.