Lennie and Jessie Ware Discuss Podcast Success and Memorable Guests

The mother-daughter team of Lennie and Jessie Ware have become prominent figures in the podcasting world with their successful show, “Table Manners.” Hosted around their family dinner table, the podcast features intimate conversations with an array of celebrity guests while Lennie showcases her culinary skills and Jessie leads the conversation.
In an interview with Metro, the pair shared their experiences from the past 17 seasons, noting highlights and memorable guests. “Joanna Lumley is one of our all-time favorite guests,” Jessie noted, adding that they are hopeful to welcome any of the Obamas in future episodes.
Lennie, a known dinner party extraordinaire, highlighted some humorous encounters with chef guests. “I’ve noticed when we have chefs on, they often intervene,” she explained, recounting an episode with Raymond Blanc where the renowned chef could not resist meddling in the kitchen.
Reminiscing on a particularly planned episode, Lennie disclosed her excitement yet intimidation to host Nigella Lawson. “We planned that meal for six months,” she said, indicating the meticulous efforts that went into preparing for Lawson’s appearance.
With the launch of their 17th season, the Wares continue to bring big names to their table. Jessie expressed joy in how the podcast has opened doors. “I think it’s been able to show more of me, warts and all,” she stated, highlighting the significance of the podcast in her career alongside her music pursuits.
Lennie added humorously that one change post-podcast fame is that she cooks more. “I cook more now,” she mentioned light-heartedly, reflecting on her increased time in the kitchen since the podcast’s inception.
Table Manners has become a beloved platform not just for the connection between the duo and their guests but also for the relatable familial dynamics they exhibit during recordings. Jessie commented on the family dynamics, “People like the chaos and the drama, so we don’t hold back.”