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Multiple School Districts in Miami Valley Close or Delay Due to Cold Temperatures



School Closings Due To Cold Weather

As a result of the harsh cold temperatures, several school districts in the Miami Valley area have announced closures or delays. On Thursday, more than two dozen schools either delayed their start times or cancelled school altogether to ensure the safety of students and staff.

At least 10 school districts have confirmed that they will be closed for the day, affecting a significant number of students. These decisions are made with careful consideration by school leaders who weigh factors such as road conditions, bus operations, and the overall safety of students traveling to and from school.

School leaders typically make these decisions based on a combination of weather forecasts, road conditions, and input from local authorities. The goal is to balance the need for education with the necessity of ensuring student safety during extreme weather conditions.

Parents and students can stay informed about school closures and delays through various channels, including the WHIO Weather App, the WHIO-TV News app, and updates on the WHIO website.

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