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Multiple School Districts in West Michigan Close Due to Snowfall and Low Temperatures



School Closings West Michigan Snow

Several school districts in West Michigan have announced closures for Thursday, December 12, 2024, due to significant snowfall and low temperatures in the region. The decision comes as much of West Michigan is under winter weather advisories, making travel conditions hazardous.

Among the schools affected are Allegan Public Schools, Allendale Public Schools, Black River Public School, and Coopersville Area Public Schools. These districts have opted to close their schools to ensure the safety of students and staff.

In some areas, while elementary and pre-kindergarten schools are closed, middle and high schools may remain in session until further notice. For example, in one district, pre-kindergarten, elementary, and hybrid schools are closed, but middle and high schools are still open.

The closures are part of a broader response to the winter weather conditions, which include heavy snowfall and low temperatures. Parents and students are advised to check with their respective school districts for the latest updates on school closures and any other weather-related announcements).

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