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Nationwide Immigration E-Gate Outage Resolved After Causing Delays at Sydney International Airport and Brisbane Airport



Nationwide Immigration E Gate Outage Resolved After Causing Delays At Sydney International Airport And Brisbane Airport

A nationwide outage of immigration e-gates has been successfully resolved after causing significant delays at Sydney International Airport and Brisbane Airport. The Australian Border Force confirmed that the technical issue affecting smart gates in airports across the country has been fixed, although the root cause remains unknown.

Passengers faced extensive queues and disruptions, particularly at Sydney Airport, where lines extended from the immigration gate all the way to the other end of the terminal. Extra border force officers were deployed at Sydney Airport to assist with managing the situation, with some travelers expressing their frustration on social media about the lengthy wait times.

Despite the challenges, major airlines such as Virgin, Qantas, and Jetstar were able to minimize the impact on their flights by promptly calling passengers forward at the ground staff’s direction. While Brisbane Airport also experienced minor delays, other major airports such as Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, and Cairns reported that they were unaffected by the technical issue.

Rachel Adams

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