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Nigel Farage Announces Candidacy in Clacton for Reform Party in Stirring Political Move



Nigel Farage Announces Candidacy In Clacton For Reform Party In Stirring Political Move

Renowned politician Nigel Farage has made waves in the political sphere by announcing his candidacy in Clacton, Essex, for the Reform Party in the upcoming General Election. This move marks a significant return to the forefront of electoral politics for Farage, who has a storied history with the area.

Clacton gained notoriety as the only parliamentary constituency ever won by a party associated with Ukip, with Farage’s ally Douglas Carswell securing the seat in a by-election in 2014. While Farage himself had faced repeated electoral setbacks in other constituencies, Clacton proved to be a bastion for the then-emerging Ukip, before eventually shifting back to Conservative control.

Following Carswell’s tenure, Giles Watling reclaimed the seat for the Conservatives in 2017 and further solidified their hold with a commanding 72% of the vote in the 2019 election. Farage’s absence from the ballot in 2019, as the leader of the Brexit Party (later rebranded as Reform UK), left Clacton untested territory for his party.

With Farage now entering the fray in Clacton, polling data from Survation in January offers a glimpse into the potential dynamics of the forthcoming election. The survey revealed Farage garnering 37% support, with Watling trailing at 27% and Labour at 23%, setting the stage for a closely watched contest in the constituency.

Rachel Adams

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