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Ex-Principal Accused of Misleading Investigators in Kolkata Case



Kolkata Cbi Investigation

In a shocking development, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has revealed that Dr. Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata, allegedly attempted to deceive investigators regarding the rape and murder of a trainee doctor. The revelation is based on the results of a polygraph test conducted during the investigation.

The forensic report from the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL), accessed by India Today, indicated that Dr. Ghosh’s responses during the test were “deceptive” concerning several critical aspects of the case. The former principal has been accused of delaying the registration of a First Information Report (FIR), which the vice-principal of the hospital eventually filed, misrepresenting the incident as a suicide.

The case, which has stirred national outrage and protests, involves the alleged rape and murder of a postgraduate trainee doctor in the seminar hall of RG Kar Medical College on August 9. The CBI’s remand note claims that Dr. Ghosh failed to act promptly after being informed about the incident.

Further, the CBI has raised concerns about Dr. Ghosh’s communication with Abhijit Mondal, an officer from Tala Police Station, who has also been arrested. Investigators allege that both parties were involved in a conspiracy to cover up the crime scene and protect potential suspects, including Sanjay Roy, a police volunteer arrested after being captured on CCTV entering the seminar hall.

Despite the polygraph results not being admissible evidence in court, the CBI is seeking additional corroborative evidence as the case unfolds in the legal system. The investigation, initially handled by the Kolkata Police, was transferred to the CBI by an order from the Calcutta High Court on August 13, following public pressure and criticism of the initial police response.

Rachel Adams

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