Québec Solidaire’s Manon Massé Undergoes Third Heart Operation

The Member of the National Assembly (MNA) for Québec Solidaire (QS), Manon Massé, has revealed that she recently underwent a third heart surgery and will be on a recovery journey for the upcoming weeks.
Taking to the social media platform X, the former co-spokesperson of QS initially aimed to reassure supporters, expressing confidence in the success of the procedure. She mentioned, ‘Not only did the operation go very well, but I feel that this time it’s the right one.’
Following my first surgery, I practically hopped on my bike upon leaving the hospital to return to the office. Then, after the second operation, I quickly resumed work with a phased return schedule of 4 days per week. This time, I am listening to my heart because I want to continue listening to you, representing, and supporting,’ she stated.
After being diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia, Massé underwent her initial surgery in August last year and a subsequent one in November.