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4-Year-Old Tedi Rudd Named Good Friday Appeal Mini Ambassador in Regional Fundraiser



4 Year Old Tedi Rudd Named Good Friday Appeal Mini Ambassador In Regional Fundraiser

FOUR-year-old Tedi Rudd has been selected as the inaugural Good Friday Appeal mini ambassador for the Greater Geelong region, with the community rallying today to raise funds for the Royal Children's Hospital and other local healthcare providers.

Tedi, at the age of 4, has been appointed as a regional ambassador, marking a significant shift in this year’s Appeal where a portion of the proceeds will be channeled to five regional health centers, including Geelong’s Barwon Health.

Mother Marianela Tobon and father Zachary Rudd welcomed both Tedi and his twin brother Santiago prematurely at 23 weeks on December 16, 2019 – the minimum gestational age for premature birth.

Ms. Tobon recounted the journey that followed, detailing Tedi’s more than 20 surgeries during his seven-month stay at the Royal Children’s Hospital, while Santiago was under care at the Royal Women's Hospital.

Tedi underwent a tracheostomy until last year, a medical procedure that necessitated round-the-clock monitoring to prevent blockages, making it a challenging period for the family.

Despite facing multiple health complications, including being on life support for months and experiencing multiple CPR resuscitations, Tedi emerged resilient and thriving after surgeries that included a bowel resection and tracheal reconstruction using cartilage from his ribs.

Today, Tedi leads an active life engaging in activities like surfing and boogie-boarding in the coastal town of Torquay, blissfully unaware of his newfound role as a mini ambassador for the Good Friday Appeal.

The Rudd family expressed immense pride at Tedi’s progress and the gratitude they feel for the exceptional care provided by the Royal Children’s Hospital, reflecting on the significance of Tedi’s appointment as a mini ambassador.

Rachel Adams

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