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Renowned Artist Pokras Lampas Collaborates with Dover Street Market in London



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Renowned Russian-born artist, Pokras Lampas, recently unveiled a monumental mural on the facade of Dover Street Market in London. Lampas is globally recognized for his innovative fusion of graffiti and calligraphy, known as ‘calligraffiti.’

The collaboration between Lampas and Dover Street Market, a renowned fashion destination, has attracted significant attention. Lampas has previously partnered with top brands like Adidas, Nike, and Fendi, showcasing his distinct artistic style.

The unique collaboration between Lampas and Dover Street Market highlights the intersection of fashion and art, blending traditional calligraphy with contemporary street art influences. The mural created by Lampas is a testament to his creativity and mastery of the calligraffiti technique.

Notably, Lampas’s collaboration with the minimalist fashion designer, Rei Kawakubo, has further elevated his artistic profile. Kawakubo, known for her appreciation of Russian art and design, selected Lampas for a series of installations across Dover Street Market’s international locations in Beijing, New York, and Tokyo.

Lampas’s artistry continues to captivate audiences worldwide, with his distinctive approach to calligraphy and graffiti setting him apart in the art scene. His partnership with Dover Street Market marks a significant milestone in his career, showcasing his versatility and creative vision.

Rachel Adams

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