Sita Navami Celebrations Showcase Devotion and Reverence towards Goddess Sita

Devotees around the world celebrated the auspicious occasion of Sita Navami with deep reverence and devotion towards Goddess Sita, the epitome of grace and virtue, on the ninth day of the bright half of Vaishakh Maas. The festival, also known as Janaki Jayanti, marks the birth of Goddess Sita, the daughter of Raj Rishi Janak, transcending the boundaries of time and symbolizing feminine divinity.
The Sita Navami Vrat observed on this day is a testimony of faith and devotion, where women fast for the longevity and well-being of their spouses, seeking blessings from Goddess Sita, believed to embody qualities of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and fortune.
During the celebrations, devotees offer pushp, diya, and japa to invoke the divine presence of Goddess Sita, while reciting the Sitarama Raksha Stotra for protection and grace. The essence of the festival lies in the rituals of Kusha japa, symbolizing purity and spiritual awakening in the path of righteousness.