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Snow Falls on Hawaii’s Tallest Peak, Bringing Winter to Mauna Kea



Snow On Mauna Kea Hawaii

Snow has made a rare appearance in Hawaii, with several inches falling on the state’s tallest peak, Mauna Kea. The snowfall, which occurred on Monday, October 28, transformed the summit area into a brief winter wonderland.

The unusual weather event was the result of a combination of cold air and moisture. This rare convergence of conditions is what allowed snow to form at the high elevations of Mauna Kea.

Mauna Kea, known for its astronomical observatories, is one of the few places in Hawaii where snow can occur due to its high altitude. The snowfall was significant enough to be captured in videos and photos, showcasing the snow-covered summit.

This snowfall marks the first of the season for Mauna Kea and is a notable event for the region, given the tropical climate that typically characterizes Hawaii.

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